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Food allergies, intolerance, and hypersensitivity

  • 90 Days
  • 9 Steps


Diet has been, in recent years, completely reconsidered in the treatment of food allergies, intolerance, and hypersensitivity. Therapeutic (and even preventive) interventions must be planned individually. In my nutritional monitoring, I take an investigative approach that makes use of eating behavior, as well as requesting specific tests to assist in diagnosis and treatment. Food allergies, intolerance, and hypersensitivity represent a great challenge that only a highly qualified professional can handle. My experience and scientific research itself show that diagnosis and treatment can take time. It will also depend on the tools available. That's why I suggest the 90-day program for cases of food allergies, intolerance, and hypersensitivity.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Minha Nutricionista


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